Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Magic moments part 1

Wow. This has been a really busy couple of weeks; the stuff just kept coming at me. But now I have a moment of peace and quiet, I can fill you in on what's been happening.

My boy, my only little boy, turned EIGHT! How the heck did that happen?!

There he was this little (well not that little at 9lb 4oz!) bundle of joy and all of a sudden he's a soccer playing computer nut of 8 years old!

He has the loveliest temperament; he's kind hearted and considerate - the perfect big brother. The first person to tell me "you look nice today" or "this dinner is yummy" But hard working and competitive; a grade A student who loves to win.

I don't mean to make him sound like an angel, because of course he has his moments,

but it's a well kept family secret that he puts the girls to shame in the behaviour department!

Happy Birthday to my favourite little boy, Max.


koralee said...

Ahhhh..he is adorable...happy 8th birthday...missed you these past few glad you found a moment of peace in your busy life....xoxox...have a great weekend and do something for yourself!!!!

Mrs. M said...

Happy Birthday to your son! I am popping in from SITS. Hope you have fun at the park today!!

Kasey said...

you know what...i love this age.

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