Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pillow talk

I think it has super powers. Even when I'm deep in sleep it calls to me from the other side; tells me how good things can be over there. I will be cooler. I will be calmer. Things are so much better 'over there'. And I know it's right; I can't resist its call. So, in the dead of night, when nothing else can wake me... I lift my head... and flip; to the other side of my pillow. BLISS!


Kasey said...

thanks for stopping by! what a lovely blog you have.
off to peruse...

Pattie said...

lol I am just like that (oh and I LOVE the movie lol)

Nydia said...

Soooo ... that's it! The pillow. Has super powers ... I never thought of that! It's really such a simple explanation. It's got mind control properties!! Brilliant!! I will use this as my excuse tomorrow when I - again - get to work later than is considered "smart" ...

Anonymous said...

Love it!

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