(that last one only applies to me; I have a secret stash I've been working my way through)...and we'll be back to early mornings, rushed breakfasts and forgotten gym bags. This has been such a lovely break, I'll be sorry to get back to the hum-drum of everyday life...
oh, but a nice cup of coffee with my feet up and a tidy, quiet house...now that sounds appealling...roll on Wednesday...!
Until then...we'll carry on with the bed heads, chocolate and dog walks...
life is good,
B x
do you want to come meet me in france in april?
I started back to work/school today...I had so much fun with the students...I forgot how much I adore being around them. Enjoy your "me" time. xoxoxo
Mine went back to school today - I've got my coffee, and my secret chocolate stash, and I've got my feet up!
I am supposed to ALSO start work. Meh. I would do, but the ironing basket is sitting on my desk. I'd need somewhere else to hide that!
I started back to school yesterday after a 2-week hiatus. Can you say sleepy? SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did...
Woody Woodpecker...Knot a Problem!
B so lovely to have just discovered your blog in time for the New Year so wishing you a sweet one and having just read back through your recent posts I am so happy for your fanily that you have had good news about your mum - that must be a relief for you all xxx
Those are cute shots! Hope you are surviving the snow! Visiting from SITS :)
Just popping in from SITs. I hope you are able to enjoy the snow. I haven't seen a really big snow in almost 17 years. :( WE live in Georgia. I would love for my little princess to have a bit to play in this year. Maybe you can just wish some my way.
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