Friday, August 31, 2012


Hello my friends,

It's been such a long time hasn't it? I have been busy with the usual summer activities; taking the kids out, enjoying (and attending) the Olympics and finally, visiting my sister and her lovely family in LA. We had a fabulous time and also took a little road trip to San Diego (where my daughter took this candid photo of me and Chris) via Laguna Beach which was complete bliss.

This break has given me much time to reflect on what I want and where I am going. I always get like this at this at the end of the summer. I'm almost more driven and optimistic at this time than I am at the start of a new year. I think it's the fullness I feel from having spent plenty of time with the children and the realisation that they will be going back to school, getting on with their development, and I need to concentrate on mine.

And so I have taken stock. Looked at where I have come from and where I want to be going. My successes and my disappointments. And although I have loved blogging; especially when I started (what seems like a lifetime ago) when we lived in Canada, I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer getting what I need from blogging and therefore am not giving much back. I feel the constant guilt of an untended relationship and that is not good for me - or my writing!

That's not to say I have nothing to write about, I mean, stuff has been happening. A new barn was built and furnished, the house is improving, I joined a band and there have been achievements made in the family that I'm incredibly proud of. It's just that, well, I've lost the desire to tell the stories.

And so I have decided to call it a day. Forever? For a month? A year? I have no idea. But I want to thank all of you for reading my little blog, for joining me on that part of my journey. The blog that I feel never really got it's act together. It could have been, should have been, so much better. But still, I'm proud of it and grateful that you took time out of your day to read my ramblings. For the time being I will leave the blog up- I hate goodbyes, in the hope that my desire to write returns. I will still be following you all and popping in to see how you're doing and say "Hi". So for now I'll just say...

See you around,


B x
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